Kansas City is an excellent place to sing Karaoke. There are numerous bars and nightclubs to sing at in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
Most bars warmly welcome new Karaoke singers. The best way to get familiar with places to sing should be to consult either our weekly schedule or our current list of Karaoke Bars.
Karaoke companies in and around Kansas City are very competitive and provide for the most part very good quality Karaoke. The older Karaoke companies are dying a slow death and the newer companies that understand the current Karaoke customers needs are thriving.
Finding good Karaoke bars in and around Kansas City is usually done by joining one of the Kansas Ctiy Facebook Groups. Just type "Kansas City Karaoke" in the Facebook search box and you will find 4-5 groups. Join them all to keep up with everything Karaoke related in KC.
You can usually find numerous contests throughout the Kansas City metro area. Expect these to be chocked full of singing talent. Many of these contest have excellent prize packages. The biggest Karaoke contest currently is held every year by our company. This contest runs from Jan. 1st to mid Arpil with a final contest at Harrah's VooDoo Lounge.
All in all you will find that your Karaoke experiences in Kansas City to be very positive.